Province of Saint Joseph: Apostolic Blessing From the Pope
Province of Saint Joseph: Friars attended from DHS and St. Dominic's Priories at St. Dominic's Parish in Washington, DC
Province of Saint Joseph: Celebrant of the Mass, Provincial Fr. Brian Mulcahy OP
Province of Saint Joseph: Br. Paul Kennedy OP reads the lesson
Province of Saint Joseph: Fr. Bruce Williams, OP reads the Gospel and preaches the homily
Province of Saint Joseph: Br. Jude Locchetto OP
Province of Saint Joseph: almost three dozen friars were at the mass
Province of Saint Joseph: Br. Jude opens his surprise gift from the studentate
Province of Saint Joseph: Br. Jude shows his newly made original scapular and capuce
Province of Saint Joseph: Br. Jude in 2012 and the habit of his first profession in 1952
Province of Saint Joseph: Cooperator Brothers Patrick Foley, Jude Locchetto, Gerard Thayer & Paul Kennedy
Province of Saint Joseph: 60 years of Obedience to God as a Friar in the Order of Preachers