domingo4640: Sérénité / Serenity
domingo4640: Pêle-mêle ... / In a jumble ...
domingo4640: Downward
domingo4640: Le banc de pierre / The stone bench
domingo4640: Herbes folles
domingo4640: Bienvenue aux flâneurs ! / Welcome to strollers !
domingo4640: Pesée / Weigh station
domingo4640: Cool fishing place
domingo4640: Derrière l'église /2
domingo4640: Pont sur l'Adour
domingo4640: Vallée du Célé
domingo4640: Un paradis de nature
domingo4640: Sentier des falaises
domingo4640: Sous un ciel incertain / Under an uncertain sky
domingo4640: L'Adour, un fleuve capricieux ...
domingo4640: En chemin vers l'automne
domingo4640: Forgotten in the forest ... ?
domingo4640: Interlacement of ferns
domingo4640: Natural composition
domingo4640: No freedom for those
domingo4640: Standing out from others
domingo4640: Along the path
domingo4640: Le Granier
domingo4640: En Chartreuse
domingo4640: Gold leaves
domingo4640: Among the Lilliputians
domingo4640: "... à la beauté lumineuse et vierge des forêts ..." / "... at the luminous and virgin beauty of the forests ..."
domingo4640: In the darkness of the undergrowth
domingo4640: A touch of pastoralism
domingo4640: Imbroglio