doris stricher: L'élégance de la ligne, la beauté de la forme! / The elegancy of the line, the beauty of the form! Form is the real language of art!
doris stricher: upside down, boy you turn me...$£¢¥₡₢₣₤₦₧₨₩₫€₭₮¤₠₰₱
doris stricher: for Japan -> solidarity -> flag me -> flag us -> flag international... So WHAT???
doris stricher: lines and curves and abstract in nature
doris stricher: enter the movie box --->
doris stricher: Fashion...the new successful trend!
doris stricher: HAPPY NEW YEAR in ART also :0)
doris stricher: Movement sequences of 10 riding horses on an ART STAGE - Séquences de mouvements de 10 chevaux au galop!
doris stricher: Ainsi de suite...etc...