doris stricher: ART & HISTORY ---
doris stricher: °°° WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS °°° LA JUVE - TORINO°°°
doris stricher: grand Torino --- Turism Italy
doris stricher: BOAT & BATTLE & HISTORY
doris stricher: past-futurist archi --- workers nightmare
doris stricher: five --- > 4 & exception => HEARTIST
doris stricher: Also sprach Picasso
doris stricher: HOLD UP ---BAD BOYS GAMES--- HEARTIST
doris stricher: NEW YORKER NEWS
doris stricher: ARTIFEU--- ARTIFICE
doris stricher: LOVE IS THE ANSWER ---
doris stricher: flic in love ---
doris stricher: CULTUREL civilisation MIX
doris stricher: "la farce tranquille" - ART & CULTURE & politics in Paris
doris stricher: LEONARDO BIS and knowledge
doris stricher: SISYPHE & ABSURDITY
doris stricher: ARCHEOLOGIE 2 X 1789 in FRANCE
doris stricher: not easy absurdity
doris stricher: SEA & AIR - for 2O1O - best wishes to the whole WORLD