domesticat: My reading for this trip
domesticat: Artwork, Seattle airport
domesticat: Snacks for the trip!
domesticat: Amy, resting
domesticat: Jacob, dinner
domesticat: Our room at the Inne
domesticat: Not much visibility...
domesticat: Pea soup!
domesticat: State park, during the fog (vertical)
domesticat: State park, during the fog (horizontal)
domesticat: Cave interior
domesticat: Cave interior
domesticat: Jacob, caves
domesticat: Jacob, caves
domesticat: Cave, light show
domesticat: Jacob and Amy, caves
domesticat: Light show on rocks
domesticat: Rocks, weathering
domesticat: Amy, caves
domesticat: Jacob, caves
domesticat: Amy, caves
domesticat: Amy, cave entrance
domesticat: Amy, cave entrance
domesticat: State park, after the fog (horizontal)
domesticat: State park, after the fog (vertical)
domesticat: Cards, together, at night
domesticat: Fallingwater: the line to get in
domesticat: Fallingwater: entrance to park
domesticat: Fallingwater: approaching visitor center
domesticat: Fallingwater: architectural bathrooms