domesticat: I feel like I'm a grown-up now!
domesticat: Does it matter which way the squares go?
domesticat: In progress
domesticat: Sunfish
domesticat: Work space
domesticat: First two columns done
domesticat: Sudden slant of light
domesticat: My quilt labels have arrived! (Snuggle frequently, they say!)
domesticat: Two-thirds!
domesticat: Destruction ahead (1)
domesticat: Destruction ahead (2)
domesticat: Trees sheared
domesticat: More trees sheared
domesticat: Close call at the vet's
domesticat: Limbs in the parking lot
domesticat: Lucky house, lucky vet.
domesticat: Sunfish, ready for quilting
domesticat: Recovering from the loss of the LAST quilt
domesticat: How the binding starts
domesticat: How the binding finishes
domesticat: Beth and a quilt back