domesticat: First thing I saw when I opened my eyes this morning. It's my new theme poster.
domesticat: Keep Calm and Carry On
domesticat: It's time to filter.
domesticat: Lori's aftermath
domesticat: Dear Jeff...
domesticat: Wall: Day 1
domesticat: Sign, #teamjeffie wall: Skills That Have Been Downloaded To Your Brain, Matrix Style...
domesticat: Two-finger #teamjeffie salute!
domesticat: Here's the shirt
domesticat: Bling-a-ling
domesticat: Holy mailbags, batman! @jmcclure had more mail today than the NICU -staff-! Keep those cards / letters / kid drawings coming!
domesticat: Tuesday. Close to a two-inch stack of #teamjeffie mail!
domesticat: My new poster arrived. I have one for Jeff's hospital room, too.
domesticat: Board, words and letters
domesticat: Board, indicating pain and basic questions
domesticat: For the nurses
domesticat: Aftermath
domesticat: Jeff prior to tube removal
domesticat: Jeff after tube removal
domesticat: Jeff eating dinner at HealthSouth
domesticat: I have given Jeff a major enticement to work on his fine motor control.
domesticat: Success!
domesticat: Final white-board status
domesticat: Damien speaks
domesticat: Group photo for #teamjeffie
domesticat: More #teamjeffie friends
domesticat: Proof that Edmund-the-bitey remembers Jeff.
domesticat: First weekend home: a sweet photo
domesticat: Up close, purring
domesticat: Hello! I am cute! Love me!