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Jaime and T crack one off. Bath, 24.05 b
www.broadley-photo.com - Dom Broadley photos:
Clearly battered, the happy couple miss the cake entirely and start cutting some books. Has to be said that page 316 of Sense & Sensibility tasted great though.
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You'd be amazed what you find behind a giant shirt and arse.
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Jaime's Arse
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Halfway through the Hokey-Cokey, Jenny spots an unattended beef & onion pastie.
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Special-needs guest shows off teeth he's brushed all by himself.
www.broadley-photo.com - Dom Broadley photos:
Nicky encounters Bob Mortimer at wedding reception. Media experience kicks in, schmoozes.
www.broadley-photo.com - Dom Broadley photos:
WA-HAY! Benny Hill moment. T & J Wedding Reception. Bath, 24.05.
www.broadley-photo.com - Dom Broadley photos:
Tomb Raider location, conspiracy theorists' wet dream, and apparently Church of Dave Lee Travis. Also wedding reception venue for the most worshipful T & J. Congrats (and a funny handshake) to you both!
www.broadley-photo.com - Dom Broadley photos:
Tim and Jenny's Mai Tais went down a treat. Vicky's lemon & shit daiquiri less so.
www.broadley-photo.com - Dom Broadley photos:
View from our B&B, T & Jaime's Wedding. Bath, 24.05.13.