dombrassey: This led to honeydew beer and fries.
dombrassey: Dusk at Stanley Market.
dombrassey: Don't do things.
dombrassey: Tourists, they like rocks.
dombrassey: China in a nutshell.
dombrassey: Carlsburg. Why does this beer exist?
dombrassey: Live in Hong Kong.
dombrassey: The squatter houses look like they've been here forever.
dombrassey: Shrine.
dombrassey: Some English people have been here.
dombrassey: I can't take my eyes off your canopy...
dombrassey: Dom taking pictures of tourists.
dombrassey: Freedom and Confucianism
dombrassey: Hong Kong subway car.
dombrassey: Biking Britishly on Hong Kong bike path.
dombrassey: Lots of clinical signage.
dombrassey: bushes, bushes...TOWERS!
dombrassey: Tall towers!
dombrassey: Udon for U, dom!
dombrassey: LKF = Party Street in HK
dombrassey: Hong Kong night skyline.
dombrassey: Vince and dom on Facebook.
dombrassey: Hong Kong night skyline.
dombrassey: Hong Kong Dom.
dombrassey: Here they come!
dombrassey: Soft ice cream for $1.20 USD.
dombrassey: Hong Kong Cultural Centre.
dombrassey: Waterfront near The Hong Kong Cultural Centre.
dombrassey: Bad for my brain.
dombrassey: Hong Kong Skyline.