dolphingirl0609: misty 012
dolphingirl0609: misty 011
dolphingirl0609: misty 010
dolphingirl0609: misty 009
dolphingirl0609: misty 007
dolphingirl0609: creepy eyes
dolphingirl0609: misty 005
dolphingirl0609: misty 008
dolphingirl0609: misty 004
dolphingirl0609: misty 003
dolphingirl0609: Copy of misty 014
dolphingirl0609: Copy of misty 013
dolphingirl0609: misty looking out the window
dolphingirl0609: misty looking out the window
dolphingirl0609: IMG_1309
dolphingirl0609: misty yawning
dolphingirl0609: Misty tired of having her picture taken
dolphingirl0609: IMG_7799
dolphingirl0609: misty in front of the tree5
dolphingirl0609: misty in front of the tree6
dolphingirl0609: misty in front of the christmas tree4
dolphingirl0609: misty in front of the christmas tree3
dolphingirl0609: misty in front of the tree 2
dolphingirl0609: misty in front of the Christmas tree1
dolphingirl0609: waiting for santa
dolphingirl0609: misty with the stockings
dolphingirl0609: misty with the stockings
dolphingirl0609: misty sleeping at the bottom of the stairs
dolphingirl0609: misty in the front yard