Goodbyeyouhellome: Astor's home!
Goodbyeyouhellome: Now that's more like it.
Goodbyeyouhellome: Honeybuuuuuun
Goodbyeyouhellome: Dasestrelasnomeucoracao
Goodbyeyouhellome: Feelingsobrandnew
Goodbyeyouhellome: Ilikemyminifeetoomuch
Goodbyeyouhellome: Minifeeminifeeminifeeeeee oh and a Delf
Goodbyeyouhellome: It's Just So
Goodbyeyouhellome: Es todo lo que me queda de tu amor. Solo, fotos y recuerdos
Goodbyeyouhellome: I like her in girly clothes
Goodbyeyouhellome: WhydoesUSPSalwaysmessupwhenWed'sabouttocomehome?
Goodbyeyouhellome: Sometimesiwish
Goodbyeyouhellome: Vamonospacuba
Goodbyeyouhellome: Shesgonnabuymeadiamondring
Goodbyeyouhellome: Wecanlivelikejackandsallyifyouwant
Goodbyeyouhellome: Didn't know your name was Shuggie.
Goodbyeyouhellome: I wish I could take this girl and my camera everywhere
Goodbyeyouhellome: This wall is depressing
Goodbyeyouhellome: Oh hey you
Goodbyeyouhellome: I'm in love with her again :D
Goodbyeyouhellome: I feel stupid, I feel stupid, I feel stupid
Goodbyeyouhellome: Breakfast with Astor
Goodbyeyouhellome: Here's little Astor minding her own business
Goodbyeyouhellome: Stand clear of the closing doors, please.
Goodbyeyouhellome: And I'm done with minifees!