dolescum: Gatsby with Erich's shoe
dolescum: Gatsby near the fridge
dolescum: Sleepy Gatsby
dolescum: Where's Gatsby?
dolescum: Gatsby relaxing in the backyard
dolescum: Gatsby on the move
dolescum: The original monorail cat
dolescum: Gatsby likes catnip
dolescum: Gatsby gets a bath
dolescum: Gatsby gets a bath
dolescum: It can be dinner time?
dolescum: Gatsby sleeping in the sun
dolescum: Gatsby
dolescum: Gatsby-yard-4
dolescum: Gatsby and Jason
dolescum: Gatsby looking ridiculous in the window
dolescum: Gatsby asleep in the window
dolescum: Gatsby asleep in the window
dolescum: Boxing Gatsby
dolescum: Boxing Gatsby
dolescum: Gatsby in the kitchen
dolescum: Gatsby in the kitchen
dolescum: Gatsby with Gir-kin
dolescum: Gatsby with Gir-kin
dolescum: Gatsby with Gir-kin
dolescum: Gatsby with Gir-kin
dolescum: Gatsby with Gir-kin
dolescum: Gatsby and Gatsby Jr.
dolescum: Gatsby and Gir
dolescum: Gatsby in bed