You Blockhead: 3-6-08: Farallon Islands??
You Blockhead: View of my car and sunset from the dinner table.
You Blockhead: 2-27-08
You Blockhead: 2-27-08
You Blockhead: 2-22-08: Underexposed
You Blockhead: 2-22-08
You Blockhead: sometimes I feel a lack of color. it's beautiful and sad...
You Blockhead: dammit. I need a REAL lens.
You Blockhead: daniel san
You Blockhead: your brown hair hanging all around...
You Blockhead: 3-10-08
You Blockhead: 3-10-08
You Blockhead: I was up cooking dinner or something.
You Blockhead: I was cooking dinner and this magically appeared outside