Dolby Laboratories: Sega's booth was home to a few monsters we know from cinema...
Dolby Laboratories: EA's booth was bigger than life, and so was Medal of Honor: Warfighter
Dolby Laboratories: EA's booth featured many social media trackers
Dolby Laboratories: The scale of E3 is HUGE!
Dolby Laboratories: The Turtle Beach booth at E3
Dolby Laboratories: Some of Turtle Beach's Dolby-equipped gaming headphones for PS3
Dolby Laboratories: Turtle Beach knows a thing or two about the importance of audio in games
Dolby Laboratories: The Disney booth at E3 was over-the-top cool, highlighting Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two
Dolby Laboratories: OnLive offers a streaming approach to gaming, highlighted in their E3 booth
Dolby Laboratories: Square Enix was showing off some of their most anticipated titles
Dolby Laboratories: Large displays are everywhere at E3 - like this one for Borderlands 2
Dolby Laboratories: Razer's booth at E3 featured, among other things, some serious headphones.
Dolby Laboratories: Even moving forward each year at E3, there's time for a little video game history
Dolby Laboratories: Just part of the Nintendo booth at E3
Dolby Laboratories: Some eager E3 attendees check out the WiiU
Dolby Laboratories: The Nintendo booth at E3
Dolby Laboratories: Who doesn't love the characters of LittleBigPlanet?
Dolby Laboratories: The Playstation booth at E3 played host to lots of competitive multiplayer gaming
Dolby Laboratories: Far Cry 3 was one of the first games Thom encountered in the Playstation booth
Dolby Laboratories: Gamespot and MLG had a lives news setup going all day
Dolby Laboratories: Some E3 pixel art