Dolan Trout: Goldenrod
Dolan Trout: Eastern Phoebe
Dolan Trout: Eastern Fence Lizard
Dolan Trout: Tussock Moth Caterpillar is playing host to the larvae of the Braconid wasp
Dolan Trout: Golden Silk Orbweaver
Dolan Trout: Hackberry Emperor
Dolan Trout: Red-Spotted Purple
Dolan Trout: Lizard on a rope
Dolan Trout: Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Dolan Trout: Field of daisies
Dolan Trout: Bee Fly
Dolan Trout: Bloodroot (Sanguinaria Canadensis)
Dolan Trout: Bloodroot (Sanguinaria Canadensis)
Dolan Trout: White Japanese Anemone
Dolan Trout: White-throated Sparrow
Dolan Trout: Ruby Crowned Kinglet
Dolan Trout: Gathering pollen in January
Dolan Trout: Carolina anole snack time
Dolan Trout: Carolina anole with a snack
Dolan Trout: Father and son time
Dolan Trout: Turkey Tail Mushrooms
Dolan Trout: Sweet gum
Dolan Trout: Killdeer
Dolan Trout: Golden Fungi - False Chanterelle
Dolan Trout: The leaves float through the air and then on the water.
Dolan Trout: Faux Fall in the South - After all it is the end of October.
Dolan Trout: American Snout
Dolan Trout: White-throated Sparrow
Dolan Trout: Giant Swallowtail