Dogwood BC: Celine and Jeremy getting ready
Dogwood BC: Getting into groups
Dogwood BC: Canvassing training
Dogwood BC: Emma Gilchrist being interviewed
Dogwood BC: Canvass team lead Kai
Dogwood BC: Canvass team lead Don Gordon
Dogwood BC: Prepping to hit polling divisions in Victoria Swan Lake
Dogwood BC: Canvass team lead Karl meeting team members Gail and Stew
Dogwood BC: Karl going over the canvassing packs
Dogwood BC: Going over the canvass packs
Dogwood BC: Intrepid canvassers
Dogwood BC: Celine being informative
Dogwood BC: Cold but happy
Dogwood BC: Boarding the bus for Victoria Swan Lake
Dogwood BC: Social Coast let us use their bus
Dogwood BC: Boarding the bus
Dogwood BC: Polling division breakdown
Dogwood BC: Finding the way to the polling division
Dogwood BC: Knock the Vote volunteers
Dogwood BC: Getting NoTankers petition signatures
Dogwood BC: Signing the NoTankers petition together