Dogs Trust: Harris family with bella
Dogs Trust: Hogwood family with mitzy
Dogs Trust: Jameson family with paddy
Dogs Trust: Johnson with rolo
Dogs Trust: Jones and ernie
Dogs Trust: Kelly and bramley
Dogs Trust: Miss gorringe with bennie
Dogs Trust: Miss russell and mr shoesmith with paddy and casey
Dogs Trust: Morrison family with remy
Dogs Trust: Mr and mmrs goldsworthy with buzz
Dogs Trust: Mr and Mrs Barnes with Otis
Dogs Trust: Mr and Mrs Fowle with Gunther
Dogs Trust: Mr and mrs potticary and lena
Dogs Trust: Mr barnaschone and poppy
Dogs Trust: Mr bender and cream
Dogs Trust: Mr ellender with ginny
Dogs Trust: Mr farrow with stewie
Dogs Trust: Mr holloway with denzel
Dogs Trust: Mr mead with taco
Dogs Trust: Mr pace with shaggy
Dogs Trust: Mr ryder with izzy
Dogs Trust: Mr stone with turbo paws-1
Dogs Trust: Mr tapper with ted
Dogs Trust: Mr Walter and reuben
Dogs Trust: Mrs beer with harry
Dogs Trust: Mrs board with sam
Dogs Trust: Mrs boulting and tess
Dogs Trust: Mrs Button with milo
Dogs Trust: Mrs causer with bella
Dogs Trust: Mrs connelly with mitzy