dog patch critters: Getting ready for a walk
dog patch critters: Berry Sweet borrowed a pair of Shannon's shoes to go with her new dress
dog patch critters: Bath Time for cakes
dog patch critters: Anybody want to jump rope? ...My first attempt at rerooting
dog patch critters: Partytime!!!
dog patch critters: Reading to the class
dog patch critters: 3 cupcakes
dog patch critters: Look! We gots new shoes!
dog patch critters: Oh no! They are jumping on my new sofa!
dog patch critters: Hey, who's the new girl?
dog patch critters: Hi, whatscher name?
dog patch critters: Sunkist is my name.
dog patch critters: Wanna come play wif us?
dog patch critters: Friendships born....
dog patch critters: New stuff from enchanted pumpkin(susy)
dog patch critters: Don't be's jus us!
dog patch critters: Fill er up!
dog patch critters: Purty flower
dog patch critters: Purty flower
dog patch critters: Cakes Christmas party
dog patch critters: Cakes meet Santa
dog patch critters: Fun in the snow!
dog patch critters: Sunkist & snowman
dog patch critters: Bundled up
dog patch critters: Lunch with the cakes
dog patch critters: lunch with the cakes