dognutmom: starling
dognutmom: Chickadee
dognutmom: junco
dognutmom: Sparrow
dognutmom: nuthatch
dognutmom: woodpecker
dognutmom: junco behind twigs
dognutmom: robin
dognutmom: nuthatch sideways
dognutmom: Tufted Titmouse and Blue Sky
dognutmom: Nuthatch looking up
dognutmom: Nuthatch upside down
dognutmom: Canada Goose BIF behind branches
dognutmom: ducks in green algae
dognutmom: hawk
dognutmom: lady cardinal
dognutmom: synchronised flying
dognutmom: mockingbird
dognutmom: woodpecker red head
dognutmom: flying geese
dognutmom: pair of birds
dognutmom: brass ducks
dognutmom: three plus one sparrows
dognutmom: chickadee in feeder
dognutmom: Blue Jay
dognutmom: lone goose honking
dognutmom: sparrow on light
dognutmom: two sparrows in the sun
dognutmom: are you my mother