dogmilque: First Cup May 11, 2009
dogmilque: With Ricardo Barrantes @ Helsar
dogmilque: little botany lesson @ Helsar
dogmilque: Yellow Caturra
dogmilque: It's actually very good
dogmilque: More drying patio at Helsar
dogmilque: Drying patio at Helsar
dogmilque: Helsar pride
dogmilque: Helsar mill and density sorter
dogmilque: Beginning of the process at Helsar
dogmilque: Costa Rican Cowboys
dogmilque: guanábana con leche
dogmilque: Around the table
dogmilque: First Cup May 10, 2009
dogmilque: 2 flights of coffee
dogmilque: Tim @ Exclusive Coffees
dogmilque: Coffee plants about to flower
dogmilque: La Cabaña micro mill
dogmilque: Javier Morales of La Cabaña
dogmilque: La Cabaña Micro Mill
dogmilque: Cherry crusher
dogmilque: Montes de Oro Micro Mill
dogmilque: Don Mayo Dry Mill Patios
dogmilque: Don Mayo Mill
dogmilque: "African" raised drying beds
dogmilque: Fully washed vs. honey process
dogmilque: Tim explains the mill
dogmilque: Peaberrys @ Don Mayo
dogmilque: Don Mayo Mill