dogmilque: Flying over Texas
dogmilque: Our First Stop
dogmilque: Ready to board
dogmilque: hold still
dogmilque: The Macal River
dogmilque: The Macal River
dogmilque: Doobie on the foredeck
dogmilque: An Iguana
dogmilque: Tasting mud
dogmilque: Corner
dogmilque: Muggin'
dogmilque: Bats!
dogmilque: Blue Morpho
dogmilque: Our guide, professional butterfly catcher
dogmilque: The next generation of Morpho
dogmilque: At the Medicine walk
dogmilque: Louis explains it all
dogmilque: Cicada husk
dogmilque: Cicada husk
dogmilque: On a bumpy road through Guatemala
dogmilque: Tikal Ruins
dogmilque: Tikal Ruins
dogmilque: Tikal Ruins
dogmilque: Tikal tour
dogmilque: Mom and Dad and Temple 5
dogmilque: Temple 1
dogmilque: The Great Plaza of Tikal
dogmilque: Doobie overlooking the plaza
dogmilque: At the top
dogmilque: On the steps of the Lost World