dogman5: "A thing of beauty is a joy forever" .....Keats
dogman5: Tri-colored Heron
dogman5: Great Egret in flight
dogman5: Bald Eagle
dogman5: "Midnight at the Oasis"
dogman5: Great Egret displaying..
dogman5: “Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” ― George Bernard Shaw
dogman5: Tri-colored heron knee-deep....
dogman5: Blind faith....
dogman5: Little "hoodie"
dogman5: Tri-colored heron in flight..
dogman5: Great Egret in motion
dogman5: "Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it " ...Confucius ( In Explore 2/26/22)
dogman5: Tricolored Heron
dogman5: “You will always be my favorite place to go …” ― Samiha Totanji
dogman5: Male and Female Hooded Mergansers
dogman5: "Nature is powerful and beautiful"......Debasish Mridha
dogman5: Tricolored Heron in flight
dogman5: Recognition...
dogman5: American Bald Eagle ( Explore 2/08/22)
dogman5: Northern Cardinal
dogman5: White Ibis
dogman5: Yellow Rumped Warbler
dogman5: "Mr Majestic" - American Bald Eagle
dogman5: Great White Egret
dogman5: Blue Heron
dogman5: "How does he swallow all that fish " ?????
dogman5: Double-Crested Cormorant
dogman5: Roseate Spoonbill (Explored 1/9/22)
dogman5: Double-crested Cormorants