dogman5: Safari dream
dogman5: Last rays of sunlight
dogman5: Collaboration
dogman5: Bright Red Carnations
dogman5: Bright Red Carnations
dogman5: Prisms, Murano glass, Italy
dogman5: Beach day reminder
dogman5: Violet blue
dogman5: violet blue
dogman5: Resting place
dogman5: Angelic plea
dogman5: dreamy blue
dogman5: Dragons' eye
dogman5: Holiday
dogman5: Holiday
dogman5: Basket weave
dogman5: Fruit yellow
dogman5: Hot foot
dogman5: Blue heat 2
dogman5: Hot wire
dogman5: There's always one...
dogman5: Mail Trucks
dogman5: Opportunist..(Explored)
dogman5: Royal decadence
dogman5: The forest is my home...
dogman5: Banded yellow
dogman5: Shining light
dogman5: Be different so that people can see you clearly amongst the crowds....
dogman5: waiting
dogman5: meeting place