dogfaceboy: honest weight
dogfaceboy: weighty matters
dogfaceboy: measure
dogfaceboy: thinner
dogfaceboy: #278: superhero rivalry
dogfaceboy: batcave
dogfaceboy: #271: my secret life
dogfaceboy: #111: ruthless
dogfaceboy: skirting the rules
dogfaceboy: can, sill, my membership
dogfaceboy: utata daisy
dogfaceboy: faded glory
dogfaceboy: shot of blue
dogfaceboy: sinus infection
dogfaceboy: midnight cowboy
dogfaceboy: the departed
dogfaceboy: thinner
dogfaceboy: griddle: cooking light
dogfaceboy: string crackers incident
dogfaceboy: sharpener
dogfaceboy: don't leave me hanging
dogfaceboy: birdsong [october?]
dogfaceboy: orange you glad
dogfaceboy: maurader
dogfaceboy: sorry