dogfaceboy: #1: the big reveal
dogfaceboy: #2: saturday night in the city of the dead
dogfaceboy: #3: berry clever
dogfaceboy: #4: silver plated
dogfaceboy: #5: cheap vibrations
dogfaceboy: #6: i know what you're thinking
dogfaceboy: #7: jen's morning commute
dogfaceboy: #8: will I measure up?
dogfaceboy: #10: nine! nicht! don't!
dogfaceboy: #11: rip whip
dogfaceboy: #12: love in the kitchen
dogfaceboy: #13: november road
dogfaceboy: #14: a-braided
dogfaceboy: #16: brrr
dogfaceboy: #18: that just burns me up
dogfaceboy: #19: white teeth
dogfaceboy: #20: water
dogfaceboy: #21: the princess & the snow pea
dogfaceboy: #23: hommage a patrick sur son anniversaire
dogfaceboy: #24 damn hell someone's coming into the Knights of Columbus public restroom
dogfaceboy: #27: it's snowing to boot!
dogfaceboy: #28: knittin' purty
dogfaceboy: #32: damn hell me and sheri in the ram's head wtf-are-youladiesdoing? bathroom
dogfaceboy: #35: daily crisis futab
dogfaceboy: #37: making a list
dogfaceboy: #43: hand
dogfaceboy: #45: nice dinner, rotten photo
dogfaceboy: #47: rock and roll band
dogfaceboy: #53: heavy bags
dogfaceboy: #53: Confessions of an Occasional Self-Loather