Charlie is here:
It's 5 O'Clock Somewhere
Charlie is here:
And last on our stage, "D'Feathered Friends Band !"
Charlie is here:
"And now our next act, D' Squirrel Show Band!"
Charlie is here:
Dee's Dancers
Charlie is here:
Behind the Mask
Charlie is here:
Faster than a speeding bullet
Charlie is here:
More Powerful than a locomotive
Charlie is here:
Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound
Charlie is here:
"OK, just one and don't post it on Flickr!"
Charlie is here:
Balancing Rob
Charlie is here:
The Breakdancer
Charlie is here:
I've been Robbed!
Charlie is here:
Run Rob, Run!
Charlie is here:
Bekah V8 OOB
Charlie is here:
Charlie is here:
Wrong! I don't have sh#t for brains......
Charlie is here:
"Cookie" the Cat Burglar
Charlie is here:
"Your Move"
Charlie is here:
Photoshop Reject
Charlie is here:
Yes Dear
Charlie is here:
Tag Team ?
Charlie is here:
"I Can Fly!"
Charlie is here:
Rappin' James and Rob
Charlie is here:
Rapper Rob
Charlie is here:
Super Bunny
Charlie is here:
The Jaw Press
Charlie is here:
Good Advice
Charlie is here:
Big Bowl?!
Charlie is here:
"Learning Young"
Charlie is here: