dog_dreamzzz: Don't Let Your Feet Touch the Ground...
dog_dreamzzz: In A Perfect World...
dog_dreamzzz: It Happened Here
dog_dreamzzz: Just Before the Fall...
dog_dreamzzz: Building at the Bottom of the Hill...
dog_dreamzzz: Bowls in Window
dog_dreamzzz: An Offering...
dog_dreamzzz: Through the Wood Into the Woods
dog_dreamzzz: Yashica LM 44
dog_dreamzzz: White Stump
dog_dreamzzz: Trees on Hill
dog_dreamzzz: This Way and That
dog_dreamzzz: Urn & Rhododendrun
dog_dreamzzz: Late Afternoon Reflections & Illusions
dog_dreamzzz: Broken Urn
dog_dreamzzz: Tombstone
dog_dreamzzz: Yashica Mat 124g
dog_dreamzzz: Headstone & Star