c. doerbeck: Self Portrait
c. doerbeck: Algonquin Mirror Self Portrait
c. doerbeck: Cold Bitter Apple Orchard
c. doerbeck: Self Relections
c. doerbeck: Chicago in Feb, 2013
c. doerbeck: (BOS) Hydrolic Delays Selfie
c. doerbeck: Self Portrait in Wine Bokeh
c. doerbeck: f_dsc0660
c. doerbeck: Self Portrait Atop Whistler Mt.
c. doerbeck: Olympic Park Selfie
c. doerbeck: A Night in Cancun
c. doerbeck: Stories Begin Here
c. doerbeck: Reflections at the Pegu Club
c. doerbeck: A First Date at JALC
c. doerbeck: Checking Messages In Front of the Court House
c. doerbeck: Outside Looking In
c. doerbeck: I watched you change...
c. doerbeck: Movember 2014
c. doerbeck: Movember Photo Effects
c. doerbeck: f_dsc08047
c. doerbeck: Vivian Inspired Selfie
c. doerbeck: dsc01647_01
c. doerbeck: DSC08652.jpg
c. doerbeck: 2016-07-03_06-07-28
c. doerbeck: 35mmRoll00001-29-Edit-X3
c. doerbeck: 35mmRoll00001-37-Edit-X3
c. doerbeck: 20151210-181630-SLT-A99V.jpg