Dodge Rock:
DSCN0532 White-throated Sparrow
Dodge Rock:
DSCN0689 Chipping Sparrow
Dodge Rock:
DSCN0907 Blue Jay with Unique Beak
Dodge Rock:
DSCN0910 Unique Beak Blue Jay
Dodge Rock:
DSCN1173 Northern Cardinal
Dodge Rock:
DSCN5481 Snow Geese
Dodge Rock:
DSCN5655 Eastern Bluebird
Dodge Rock:
DSCN2770 Red-bellied Woodpecker
Dodge Rock:
DSCN2726 Female Northern Cardinal
Dodge Rock:
DSCN2497 Harris's Sparrow
Dodge Rock:
DSCN5011 Northern Mockingbird
Dodge Rock:
DSCN3197 Social Distancing at the Waterhole
Dodge Rock:
DSCN3441 Sharp-shinned Hawk
Dodge Rock:
DSCN3945 American Kestrel
Dodge Rock:
DSCN3994 Northern Cardinal
Dodge Rock:
DSCN3950 American Kestrel
Dodge Rock:
DSCN5094 Tufted Titmouse
Dodge Rock:
DSCN5195 Eastern Bluebird
Dodge Rock:
DSCN6188 Snow Geese
Dodge Rock:
DSCN6126 Snow Geese
Dodge Rock:
DSCN5025 Eastern Phoebe
Dodge Rock:
DSCN5947 American Coot
Dodge Rock:
DSCN5946 American Coot
Dodge Rock:
DSCN6416 Harris's Sparrow
Dodge Rock:
DSCN6306 Cedar Waxwing
Dodge Rock:
DSCN6972 White-breasted Nuthatch
Dodge Rock:
DSCN7922 Luna Moth
Dodge Rock:
DSCN7916 Moon Moth
Dodge Rock:
DSCN6688 Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly
Dodge Rock:
DSCN9269 Papa & Offspring