drrobert1: Colors of the 149th Pennsylvania
drrobert1: Lincoln-Hamlin 1860
drrobert1: South Carolina ordinance of secession
drrobert1: Folding chess set
drrobert1: Emancipation Proclamation print with Lincoln's signature
drrobert1: Lincoln's signature
drrobert1: Meade's cap
drrobert1: Meade's sword
drrobert1: Tarred haversack
drrobert1: I Corps flag
drrobert1: Grant's pen
drrobert1: Meade's hat
drrobert1: Meade's uniform
drrobert1: Gettysburg, above Devil's Den
drrobert1: Devil's Den, Gettysburg
drrobert1: Devil's Den, Gettysburg
drrobert1: Devil's Den, Gettysburg