gruntzooki: Cat burglar, having plummeted from 3d story roof and broken ankle, crawls away, pursued by man who spotted him and shouted him down, the flat, 5AM, London, UK.JPG
gruntzooki: Cat burglar, having plummeted from 3d story roof and broken ankle, crawls away, pursued by man who spotted him and shouted him down, the flat, 5AM, London, UK 2.JPG
gruntzooki: A dog-walker on the scene, Cat burglar, having plummeted from 3d story roof and broken ankle, crawls away, pursued by man who spotted him and shouted him down, the flat, 5AM, London, UK.JPG
gruntzooki: Dog walker dickers with cat burglar, Cat burgular, having plummeted from 3d story roof and broken ankle, crawls away, pursued by man who spotted him and shouted him down, the flat, 5AM, London, UK.JPG
gruntzooki: A man calls police, Cat burglar, having plummeted from 3d story roof and broken ankle, crawls away, pursued by man who spotted him and shouted him down, the flat, 5AM, London, UK.JPG
gruntzooki: Cat burglar reaches the pub bench, is guarded by passer-by, man in green phones cops, the flat, London, UK.JPG
gruntzooki: Man in green, on phone with cops, describes snapped wire that caused burglar fall during getaway, the flat, London, UK.JPG
gruntzooki: The milkman arrives, passerby points out cat-burglar, the flat, London, UK.JPG
gruntzooki: The cops arrive, cat burglar incident,the flat, London, UK.JPG
gruntzooki: More cops on the scene, the flat, London, UK.JPG
gruntzooki: Even more cops on the scene, the flat, London, UK.JPG
gruntzooki: Six cop cars in all, the flat, London, UK.JPG