doctorhandshake: Look at this crew. This is what I roll up to.
doctorhandshake: Clever touch #1004: they handed out fans at the ceremony cuz it was a tiny bit toasty thur
doctorhandshake: Pablo Neruda on one side, a big smooch on the other
doctorhandshake: Tying the knot
doctorhandshake: .... aaaaand now my hands are filthy
doctorhandshake: Cabbin it to the next spot, family-style
doctorhandshake: to whomever said blocking the flash wasn't gonna help: eat it. not the cake. this photo. eat this photo.
doctorhandshake: Willy gets an early first dance, creepy and sweaty-style
doctorhandshake: Last name tag left.
doctorhandshake: obligatory shredding
doctorhandshake: there was some dancing to apache
doctorhandshake: and more dancing
doctorhandshake: Jesse did some things he later regretted and apologized for.
doctorhandshake: AWWWWW
doctorhandshake: UH....
doctorhandshake: me being exceptionally creepy, even for me. look at where my hands are.
doctorhandshake: The next day, en masse, at Kuma's