doctorhandshake: Comin in from the airport
doctorhandshake: SANTANA 3000 - my shanghai cab of choice
doctorhandshake: Shanghai outskirts at twilight.
doctorhandshake: I was into this bridge.
doctorhandshake: Got this out the cab window.
doctorhandshake: Kind on an inverse suspension thing. I don't know what I'm talking about.
doctorhandshake: I found this creepy.
doctorhandshake: This tower with the distinctive top was popping up at all angles when I least expected it.
doctorhandshake: Despite that this said 'KTV', I think it was a nightclub.
doctorhandshake: This how they do Heinz China-style
doctorhandshake: I must have shot this construction site 30 times. 1/30 then.
doctorhandshake: Waited for a bit for homeboy to pop his head out properly.
doctorhandshake: At the Shanghai Sculpture Space
doctorhandshake: SSS interior. This pit gave me fits. We put the sponsors in there in the end.
doctorhandshake: Loved this sign.
doctorhandshake: SSS monolith on the way in
doctorhandshake: from the street
doctorhandshake: Hot trike
doctorhandshake: Street condom dispenser what?
doctorhandshake: Fe Ning Massage Center of Blind Person
doctorhandshake: These two were flipping out over an admittedly impressive iphone knockoff
doctorhandshake: Gelatinous pork fat with soy sauce egg and bok choy. More palatable than it appears
doctorhandshake: The streets are really real up in here
doctorhandshake: They were crackin off tons of fireworks behind this wall. We never figured out just why.
doctorhandshake: Building, nonstop, all day, every day
doctorhandshake: Obligatory Chinese Coke shot
doctorhandshake: Really liked this rust-colored glass look
doctorhandshake: Same site, midday
doctorhandshake: Bamboo scaffoling, in effect
doctorhandshake: This was a mall complex of some kind