doctorhandshake: Some kinda dome on MLK blvd
doctorhandshake: atlanta brick ruins
doctorhandshake: the tornado did some van dammage
doctorhandshake: tornadoes punch holes in buildings
doctorhandshake: like that and that
doctorhandshake: more brick facadery
doctorhandshake: just a rad sculpture is all
doctorhandshake: I love skyways but this is too much
doctorhandshake: this statue was censored due to extreme nudity
doctorhandshake: I GOT BLOWED at the DOME ... AND SURVIVED!
doctorhandshake: these windows were cracked by high-flying detritus
doctorhandshake: I initially mistook this horse for 2 guys in a horse costume.
doctorhandshake: This cop was standing in the middle lane, from what it looked like with the intent to bodyblock traffic for a woman taking a photo.
doctorhandshake: old-school kodak
doctorhandshake: Old-school krispies
doctorhandshake: this building is everywhere you look but somehow this is as close as I got
doctorhandshake: what kind of offices would be behind a door like this
doctorhandshake: weeping willow effluent on a real down south kinda truck
doctorhandshake: nice trees down here
doctorhandshake: atlas holding a drum?
doctorhandshake: our hotel was sporting massive potted plants
doctorhandshake: ooof weeping willow
doctorhandshake: the party before doors
doctorhandshake: me and Tony 4/10
doctorhandshake: jeff always gets the good tony faces
doctorhandshake: the grits locker. there were no grits in there - I looked.