doctorhandshake: I'm too lazy to do the requisite compositing here
doctorhandshake: Still Life: Pensive Lady With Fire Hydrant
doctorhandshake: Jenn Thinks There Should Be More Dancing on This Trip 1/2
doctorhandshake: Jenn Thinks There Should Be More Dancing on This Trip 2/2
doctorhandshake: Chinatown SF
doctorhandshake: Kelly at the Grassland Cocktail Lounge
doctorhandshake: Frogs for Sale
doctorhandshake: Turtles for Sale
doctorhandshake: kinda crazy brick building
doctorhandshake: Me and Kelly on a Pier
doctorhandshake: Building with Minivan, the Embarcadero, SF
doctorhandshake: Crazy Sculpture on the Embarcadero
doctorhandshake: This Blacksmith Also Pierces Ears
doctorhandshake: The Blacksmith Placard
doctorhandshake: Are You Making Fun of Me? This is the Largest Car I Can Afford.
doctorhandshake: I can! I can!
doctorhandshake: Think This One is Photo of the Day
doctorhandshake: probably something slightly sinister going on in this building
doctorhandshake: ... actually a different car, but just down the block
doctorhandshake: West Campus Swim Center
doctorhandshake: Oh Hell Yeah
doctorhandshake: North Berkeley BART Platform
doctorhandshake: North Berkeley BART Platform
doctorhandshake: Mission, Gate
doctorhandshake: Creepy Rope Art in the BART at 16th and Mission
doctorhandshake: our feet were on a date too
doctorhandshake: Jenn in front of a dope fountain
doctorhandshake: this fountain was straight rad