dartdoctorde: The 35th Grand Gala begins to fill
dartdoctorde: The Grand fills with patrons for the evening show
dartdoctorde: The Midtown Men perorming at The 35th Annual Grand Gala
dartdoctorde: The Midtown Men perorming at The 35th Annual Grand Gala
dartdoctorde: The Midtown Men perorming at The 35th Annual Grand Gala
dartdoctorde: Awaiting to enter the Grand Gala's after party
dartdoctorde: Before the guests arrived
dartdoctorde: The Grand Ballroom at The Hotel DuPont
dartdoctorde: DPP_2321
dartdoctorde: A cartoon Artist renders her rendition
dartdoctorde: Above the Ballroom sat a small lounge at The Hotel DuPont
dartdoctorde: The Guests have arrived
dartdoctorde: Appetizers anyone?
dartdoctorde: Carving up the meats for the guests
dartdoctorde: House photographers Nancy Powel and I attending the Gala
dartdoctorde: Some of The Grand Staff
dartdoctorde: The Ballroom ignites
dartdoctorde: The 35th Annual Grand Gala night
dartdoctorde: Dancing the night away
dartdoctorde: Ismay DaCosta and her date
dartdoctorde: The Hotel DuPont Lobby from the Mezanine
dartdoctorde: Barry Polish and his lady friends
dartdoctorde: Patrons of the Gala
dartdoctorde: Patrons of the Gala
dartdoctorde: Patrons of the Gala
dartdoctorde: A Grand employee and his date
dartdoctorde: Good night to another fine Gala