dartdoctorde: Leigh Nash opens the show
dartdoctorde: Acoustic guitar for Leigh Nash
dartdoctorde: Leigh Nash sings the opening act.
dartdoctorde: Alex Alexakis of Everclear performs in the spotlight
dartdoctorde: Alex Alexakis of Everclear performs in the spotlight from above
dartdoctorde: Alex Alexakis in the low changing lights
dartdoctorde: Alex Alexakis of Everclear performs
dartdoctorde: Alex Alexakis of Everclear playing the acoustic guitar
dartdoctorde: Reminiscing withe crowd of past events
dartdoctorde: Alex Alexakis of Everclear spreads his wings at the Grand
dartdoctorde: Ed Kowalczyx of Live
dartdoctorde: Percussions for Ed Kowalczyk
dartdoctorde: A stellar performance from Ed Kowalczyc at the Grand.
dartdoctorde: Some shots are just better than the others. One of my favorites.
dartdoctorde: Sweat rolling down as Ed Kowalczyk performs
dartdoctorde: A great glow on Ed Kowalczyk
dartdoctorde: Cranking out the notes was Ed Kowalczyk at The Grand