goodoldchuck: You could sure use these in a clutch.
goodoldchuck: Where the heck are my keys?
goodoldchuck: Orange Crush
goodoldchuck: Same clutches but with a tan
goodoldchuck: We're just resting for now...
goodoldchuck: Hiding behind bars
goodoldchuck: OMG, what happened to my car?
goodoldchuck: Possibly Cubism
goodoldchuck: Opening up
goodoldchuck: Today is intense
goodoldchuck: Find today's hidden $10
goodoldchuck: Post-modern stained glass
goodoldchuck: Time to cast off our chains...
goodoldchuck: Really bad valet parking
goodoldchuck: Layers and more layers
goodoldchuck: We're all happy here...
goodoldchuck: P7134751N better known as Mr. Transmission
goodoldchuck: We're all wound up here, give us a moment to settle down...
goodoldchuck: This image is happy about the way it turned out...
goodoldchuck: Energy being transferred.
goodoldchuck: Messy blackboard
goodoldchuck: Artistic? tangle
goodoldchuck: Infinite blue
goodoldchuck: What am I going to do with all this junk??
goodoldchuck: Often I can't decide where to start..
goodoldchuck: You are not going to believe the accident I saw...
goodoldchuck: TheSun is beaming on me...
goodoldchuck: Kind of a mess...opps, I shouldn't say that...
goodoldchuck: Rectangular Cubism??
goodoldchuck: OMG, where am I?