Doctor Beef:
Glasgow Cathedral
Doctor Beef:
Nice Knocker
Doctor Beef:
Glasgow Necropolis
Doctor Beef:
Cathedral Churchyard
Doctor Beef:
Skully Skull
Doctor Beef:
Glasgow Cathedral
Doctor Beef:
Stained Glasgow
Doctor Beef:
Doctor Beef:
Looking Up
Doctor Beef:
Doctor Beef:
More Stained Glasgow
Doctor Beef:
Lower Church
Doctor Beef:
Tomb of Saint Mungo
Doctor Beef:
Spot the Syrtis!
Doctor Beef:
Small Chapel
Doctor Beef:
Creepy Spooky!
Doctor Beef:
Dead Guy
Doctor Beef:
Stand Sure
Doctor Beef:
Blacader's Aisle
Doctor Beef:
Blacader's Aisle
Doctor Beef:
Buttercream Chapel
Doctor Beef:
Eagle Lecturn
Doctor Beef:
Through the Church
Doctor Beef:
Flowery Blob
Doctor Beef:
Doctor Beef:
Doctor Beef:
Armored Gloves
Doctor Beef:
Black Angel
Doctor Beef:
Doctor Peter Low
Doctor Beef:
Old Grave