Doctor Beef:
It started FREAKIN' SWEET...
Doctor Beef:
Giant Ill-Tempered Catfish - Not a Manatee
Doctor Beef:
Into the wildnerness
Doctor Beef:
The wild was near impassible...
Doctor Beef:
Civilisation is well beyond us
Doctor Beef:
Give me strength, Ring Pop!
Doctor Beef:
A secret across the pond in the woods...
Doctor Beef:
What kind of DJ...
Doctor Beef:
Doctor Beef:
Who's in there?
Doctor Beef:
We got the secret message...
Doctor Beef:
We were in a funk...
Doctor Beef:
...then were just crabbs...
Doctor Beef:
...until we saw DICK!!
Doctor Beef:
He was a good moose.
Doctor Beef:
It's Miller time...
Doctor Beef:
Does this NEED a description?
Doctor Beef:
The day ended...