©DocTony Photography: morning gesture
©DocTony Photography: afternoon greeting
©DocTony Photography: peeking through
©DocTony Photography: little ballerina on her toes
©DocTony Photography: delicate essence
©DocTony Photography: quenching my little ballerina
©DocTony Photography: one of mother nature's buried treasures
©DocTony Photography: heart of gold
©DocTony Photography: a whisper of pink
©DocTony Photography: honey, we're late!!!!
©DocTony Photography: a perfect niche
©DocTony Photography: white on white
©DocTony Photography: intimate secrets
©DocTony Photography: have a piece of sunshine
©DocTony Photography: on a clear day, you can see forever
©DocTony Photography: sunshine on my shoulder...
©DocTony Photography: ...come and look around you!
©DocTony Photography: oh heart of mine...
©DocTony Photography: full of grace
©DocTony Photography: intimate secrets 2
©DocTony Photography: pure thoughts
©DocTony Photography: beholding beauty
©DocTony Photography: taming the rose
©DocTony Photography: life's choices
©DocTony Photography: look and listen
©DocTony Photography: valentine's rose
©DocTony Photography: on life and death
©DocTony Photography: tiny flowers