©DocTony Photography:
seoul train5
©DocTony Photography:
seoul train4
©DocTony Photography:
©DocTony Photography:
stone boy2
©DocTony Photography:
©DocTony Photography:
chlorophyll depot
©DocTony Photography:
adoring the sun
©DocTony Photography:
World Pyro Olympics Part 3
©DocTony Photography:
green cattleya
©DocTony Photography:
morning gesture
©DocTony Photography:
afternoon greeting
©DocTony Photography:
apple green afternoon
©DocTony Photography:
emerald-painted sky
©DocTony Photography:
start of summer
©DocTony Photography:
quenching my little ballerina
©DocTony Photography:
waiting for tomorrow
©DocTony Photography:
humble veneration
©DocTony Photography:
do it to me one more time
©DocTony Photography:
mimicking nature
©DocTony Photography:
love fern
©DocTony Photography:
skinny dipping
©DocTony Photography:
on the spotlight
©DocTony Photography:
beauty unfurling
©DocTony Photography:
tropical illusion
©DocTony Photography:
the awakening*
©DocTony Photography:
urban oasis
©DocTony Photography:
a perfect niche
©DocTony Photography:
afternoon blessings
©DocTony Photography:
Wombleton, DC
©DocTony Photography:
in the wild