©DocTony Photography: wooing the sunset
©DocTony Photography: moment of prayer
©DocTony Photography: rekindled moment
©DocTony Photography: marshmallow hues
©DocTony Photography: of sunsets and flowers
©DocTony Photography: once more with feelings
©DocTony Photography: another day of praise
©DocTony Photography: golden promise
©DocTony Photography: kiss the sun goodnight!
©DocTony Photography: marmalade vision
©DocTony Photography: lovers' lane
©DocTony Photography: simple but true
©DocTony Photography: graceful encore
©DocTony Photography: sincere thankfulness
©DocTony Photography: catching the sunset
©DocTony Photography: look baby...i am kissing the sunset!
©DocTony Photography: it's time to dance
©DocTony Photography: catching the sunset
©DocTony Photography: moment to moment