©DocTony Photography:
plane scene
©DocTony Photography:
up up and away!
©DocTony Photography:
coffee tea or ...
©DocTony Photography:
cebu sunset
©DocTony Photography:
view from inside
©DocTony Photography:
xmas tree
©DocTony Photography:
xmas tree closer
©DocTony Photography:
little drummer boy
©DocTony Photography:
view of the garden
©DocTony Photography:
banana trees
©DocTony Photography:
©DocTony Photography:
ceiling splendor
©DocTony Photography:
blue chandelier
©DocTony Photography:
bus ride to the beachfront
©DocTony Photography:
line up to be online
©DocTony Photography:
view from within
©DocTony Photography:
internet cafe
©DocTony Photography:
chandelier day
©DocTony Photography:
before the lecture
©DocTony Photography:
zoomed in
©DocTony Photography:
chandelier night
©DocTony Photography:
before the lecture 2
©DocTony Photography:
©DocTony Photography:
make mine black
©DocTony Photography:
where is my bag?