doctian: plantation bay
doctian: halo-halo break
doctian: damn thats high
doctian: it's hot here
doctian: beer drinking contest
doctian: mark
doctian: sipping on beer
doctian: karl
doctian: mark
doctian: karl
doctian: plantation bay resort and hotel
doctian: karl
doctian: plantation bay resort and hotel
doctian: breakfast
doctian: tita evangeline and tito rene
doctian: brothers
doctian: javier family
doctian: javier family
doctian: karl
doctian: plantation bay resort and hotel
doctian: plantation bay resort and hotel
doctian: tita evangeline and tito rene in plantation bay
doctian: javier family
doctian: plantation bay resort and hotel
doctian: plantation bay resort and hotel
doctian: tita evangeline
doctian: plantation bay
doctian: bang bang bang
doctian: guns
doctian: loading up