professormaria: Starting the day with my bicycle
professormaria: May 2 - What nourishes me.
professormaria: The Freedom of Biking
professormaria: The Journey of Cycling
professormaria: Watch for LOVE for it is all around! #beyourownbeloved
professormaria: My faith story 5.5.13
professormaria: My Faith sustains me! Love, Peace, & Joy rule my life. #beyourownbeloved
professormaria: Our reflection on the world. How do we show up to others? #beyourownbeloved
professormaria: No matter what shadows hide behind us we always have the opportunities of miracles ahead of us. #beyourownbeloved
professormaria: Loving eyes.
professormaria: Just Move 5.10
professormaria: Victorious 5.10.13 over Inner Critics!