Rick Kuhn: 040614 172
Rick Kuhn: White Trillium
Rick Kuhn: Dutchman's Breeches
Rick Kuhn: bloodroot
Rick Kuhn: 040614 144
Rick Kuhn: White Fringed Phacelia
Rick Kuhn: White Fringed Phacelia
Rick Kuhn: yellow trillium
Rick Kuhn: yellow trillium
Rick Kuhn: trout lily
Rick Kuhn: 040614 162
Rick Kuhn: yellow trillium
Rick Kuhn: trout lily
Rick Kuhn: fire pink
Rick Kuhn: fire pink
Rick Kuhn: Blue Phlox with Yellow Trillium
Rick Kuhn: Blue Phlox along Little River Road
Rick Kuhn: White Trillium
Rick Kuhn: White Trillium (pink phase) with white fringed phacelia
Rick Kuhn: Blue Phlox