docindigo76: Flags at Rockefeller Center, NYC
docindigo76: Rockefeller Center
docindigo76: Table Decor
docindigo76: MoMA, NYC
docindigo76: Respects
docindigo76: Autumn in Central Park I
docindigo76: Autumn in Central Park II
docindigo76: Spartacus (or somebody, Gladiator Guy?) in the Park
docindigo76: Autumn in New York
docindigo76: Coy much?
docindigo76: Afternoon by the Lake
docindigo76: Bethesda Fountain
docindigo76: A Goose Gets Swanned
docindigo76: Autumn Color by the Lake
docindigo76: Cruising the Lake in Style
docindigo76: The Met
docindigo76: The Met
docindigo76: Grand Central at Night
docindigo76: Times Square
docindigo76: Miss Liberty
docindigo76: Statue of Liberty II
docindigo76: Statue of Liberty I
docindigo76: Liberty in the Autumn
docindigo76: Puffy the Pigeon
docindigo76: "Uh-oh...invaders of the biped kind..."
docindigo76: Skyrat Buffet
docindigo76: Looking Toward Brooklyn
docindigo76: Looking Toward Brooklyn Too
docindigo76: Guess Where
docindigo76: Ellis Island