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Cryptostylis ovata and polinator wasps,flowering October to April,large evergreen leaves,summer flowering,pollinated by male ichneumonid wasp,Lissopimpla excelsa.
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Flower wasp on native orchid.
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Caladenia & moth
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White- china
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Beetle on Custard orchid
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Thelymitra polinator close
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Thelymitra polinator
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Hover fly tasting
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Tiny Hare Orchid with polinator,Myrmecia urens flying ant.
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Polinator at work,the winged Bull ant Myrmecia urens is trying to copulate with the lip of the orchid and in so doing has a bob of pollen on its back already!
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A fleeting moment,I thought I would go and try my "new"eyes(a recent cataract opp) out today and found this little flying ant at work on a tiny Hare Orchid and am pleased to say they seem to be working OK :-).
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Polinators beware,tiny orb weaver waiting on a Hare Orchid.
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Diuris perialla and friend
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C cristata with polinator
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C cristata with polinator landing,yes I think the bloke up above looked down and smiled at my endevours,thanks mate!
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Slipper Orchid and polinator
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More polinators Oh dear
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Close up of Clerid beetle on Caladenia orchid.
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Flower close up,Cyanicula ixioides ixiodes or Yellow China Orchid.
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Slipper Orchid with polinators