ron_n_beths pics: Granite Sun Orchid
ron_n_beths pics: Swallowtail top
ron_n_beths pics: Colorfull Orbweaver too,Leucage sp.
ron_n_beths pics: The Jewels of Summer,just a couple of the many Buprestidae or Jewel beetles found in our native bushlands.
ron_n_beths pics: "Ground control to Major Tom",male beetle searching for females who seem to be in very low numbers this year.Rhipicera femorata.
ron_n_beths pics: A new Salticidae for us,this appeared to be the male and the next two the female,the only time we have seen these have been on trees or shrubs where they blend into the bark where they are almost invisable.
ron_n_beths pics: Calytrix fraseri in bloom
ron_n_beths pics: Flower close up,Cyanicula ixioides ixiodes or Yellow China Orchid.
ron_n_beths pics: First sighting 2017,Maratus speciosus,we have been finding females for awhile but this was the first male!
ron_n_beths pics: Spring bursting forth in the hills above Perth.Isopogon asper.
ron_n_beths pics: Bark blending Catipiller
ron_n_beths pics: Margarodidae female,Bird of Paradise Fly. Look in my Margarodidae "Album" for more on these!
ron_n_beths pics: Eriochilus dilatatus multiflorus
ron_n_beths pics: Maratus parvonis male
ron_n_beths pics: Male and female flower wasps feeding and shareing nectar
ron_n_beths pics: Flower and bud.
ron_n_beths pics: Shirt Orchid, Thelymitra campanulata,just one of more than 30 other sun orchids growing in the Southwest of Western Australia.They are commonly known as sun orchids because thier flowers remain closed at night and during cold weather.
ron_n_beths pics: Gumleaf Beetle male,Paropsisterna debilis.
ron_n_beths pics: Blending in to the tree,Western Green Tree Frog or Litoria moorei.
ron_n_beths pics: A different Case Moth.
ron_n_beths pics: Caught in the web.
ron_n_beths pics: Braconid wasp Callibracon sp.10mm long.
ron_n_beths pics: Crusader Bug top.
ron_n_beths pics: Wevil side on.
ron_n_beths pics: Leaping around,they can jump a good distance in spite of thier tiny size!
ron_n_beths pics: Robber Fly Asilidae.